Ficus Bonsai Care

Ficus Bonsai

The Golden Gate ficus bonsai tree is actually not as difficult to take care of as one may think. Like many ficus bonsai trees, the Golden Gate Ficus Bonsai Tree or Taiwan Ficus Bonsai Tree can be kept both indoors and outdoors, and is also one of the most hardy species. It is very popular for its trunk textures and bright green leaves. Below we will cover the basic Ficus Bonsai Tree Care.

Ficus Bonsai Tree Care

  • Ficus bonsai trees will grow decently in low light, but thrive in high light conditions.
  • Prune back to 2-4 leaves after 6-10 leaves have grown. We recommend using a dull pruning tool on Ficus bonsai trees, as a clean cut made by a sharp tool tends to bleed more than a dull cut.
  • Water moderately, increasing in summer and decreasing in winter. Many Ficus bonsai trees are very tolerant of being over or under watered, which makes them ideal for beginners. The Ficus bonsai tree also enjoys a daily misting to maintain humidity.
  • Repot every 2-3 years, although some will grow rapidly enough that yearly repotting may be necessary. The best time is before a new growth spurt, especially in spring, but Ficus bonsai trees can literally be repotted any time of year if reasonable after-care is given. Roots can easily be pruned by half. Basic bonsai soil is recommended, although Ficus bonsai trees tolerates many soil conditions.

To view our Ficus Bonsai Trees, please click link below.


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